VSZ delivered 880 food baskets to communities over Christmas

The Christmas Solidarity Campaign by VSZ delivered 880 food baskets to communities

Ventos de São Zacarias organized the Christmas Solidarity Campaign 2023 and successfully distributed 880 basic food baskets to communities surrounding the under-construction wind energy project, especially in Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE). This action once again reaffirms VSZ's commitment to socio-environmental policies in the areas where it operates. 

The donations were distributed during the week of December 18 to families in the municipality facing social vulnerability. On the 20th, the delivery was attended by the CEO of VSZ, Bruno Vasconcelos, the president of the Simões City Council, Zezé Moraes, the councilor and president of the Community Committee, Francisco Ângelo, councilors Enéas Lima and Joaquim Honório, along with VSZ representatives, Kalleb Oliveira, and Magna Gonzaga. 

During the event, Bruno reiterated VSZ's commitment to promoting solidarity actions within communities and emphasized the significant partnership with the Executive and Legislative branches of the municipality for continuous assistance to families residing in the vicinity of the wind complex. 

About Ventos de São Zacarias 

Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE) and has a team of professionals dedicated to local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices with pillars of respect for the environment, society, and ethical business conduct. 




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