Privacy policy.

The protection of your data is important to us. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") aims to clarify, objectively and clearly, how Ventos de São Zacarias (jointly Ventos de São Zacarias, "we", "our") collects, uses, processes, stores, and discloses (jointly "Treatment") your personal data when using this website ("Site"). It applies to all individuals who access or use our Site ("Users").

As such, we invite you to carefully read the rules below and contact our data protection officer if you have any questions by sending an email to:

The Terms of this Policy are construed in accordance with the provisions of the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data (Law No. 13.709/2018) and its subsequent amendments and updates, as well as subsequent regulations issued by the National Data Protection Authority and other applicable laws.

For purposes of this Policy, "Personal Data" is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Use of Personal Data - What Personal Data do we collect and how do we use it?

Ao utilizar o Site, poderá ser coletado e/ou diretamente fornecido pelo Usuário diferentes tipos de Dados Pessoais. Assim, os Dados Pessoais podem ser utilizados de várias maneiras diferentes, a depender de cada situação específica. Os Dados Pessoais que coletamos incluem:

(i) Informações de navegação: são informações que coletamos dos Usuários que navegam o Site, como por exemplo: endereço de IP, informações sobre o dispositivo usado, data hora de acesso, entre outros; e

(ii) Outras informações que o Usuário, ao utilizar os nossos canais indicados no Site, possa oferecer.

Are these data mandatory?

You may use the Site without having to identify yourself or send us any Personal Data.

In the event of the collection or provision of Personal Data, Ventos de São Zacarias will adopt the best techniques for the Treatment to be carried out, in a correct and transparent manner, in accordance with the legislation in force, especially the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709 of 14 August 2018) and its subsequent amendments and updates.

Where and for how long will my Personal Data be stored?

All Personal Data is stored in Brazil.

We will store User Personal Data only to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations or for our exclusive use, subject to the terms and conditions set out in applicable law.

For more information about the specific storage periods for your Data, please contact our Data Protection Officer, via email to

How does the company protect your Personal Data?

Our responsibility is to take care of Personal Data and use it only for the purposes described in this Policy. To ensure your privacy and data protection, we adopt advanced technological resources to ensure the security of all data that Ventos de São Zacarias processes, such as control of access to data processing systems and environments, encryption techniques, and other information security controls.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

As we are always looking to improve our services, this Policy may undergo updates. In this way, we recommend a periodic visit to this page so that you know about the modifications made.