VSZ receives shareholders to show the construction of wind farm    

Ventos de São Zacarias receives shareholders to show the progress of the construction of its wind farm    

 The year 2024 began with a great visit to the Ventos de São Zacarias wind farm. On 15 and 16 January, the renewable energy company welcomed the Board of Directors of Hydro Rein - one of VSZ's shareholders - to its facilities. The investors were able to take a closer look at the progress of the works and the high sustainable standards adopted by VSZ to preserve the environment and interact with local communities.   

Representatives from Macquarie - another shareholder of the project - were also present to see the works, which are expected to start operating commercially by the end of 2024. The project is expected to have a renewable energy generation capacity of 456 MW, as according to the VSZ team, its facilities are located in one of the largest wind clusters in Latin America.  

The group was accompanied by the VSZ team during the two-day visit and all the participants were given a full tour of the construction sites and substation, as well as seeing the transmission line and the wind turbines in the assembling process. The shareholders also visited some of the communities around the wind farm.  

 About Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex     

 Ventos de São Zacarias has a team of professionals committed to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices whose pillars are respect for the environment, society and business


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