VSZ celebrates Women's Day with special video

VSZ celebrates International Women's Day with moving video in honor of women 

This International Women's Day, VSZ joins in applauding and recognizing all the extraordinary women who make a difference in our lives and in our communities! It's time to celebrate the strength, resilience, and determination of women who challenge barriers and overcome obstacles on a daily basis. 

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), women occupy 37% of senior and middle management positions in Brazil, and at VSZ, we are proud to be part of this progressive statistic. 

Camilla Mikaelian Maier, our legal manager, shares with us how rewarding it is to work in a wind energy company where, even though she is a minority compared to men, she feels empowered and valued. At VSZ, almost 30% of our employees are women, showing that we are committed to diversity and gender equality, even in a predominantly male sector like the technical one. 

Lívia Ribeiro Dias Lutterback comments that since she arrived at the company she has felt very listened to and integrated into the company's relevant strategic discussions, regardless of her gender, age, or position. 

VSZ firmly believes that it's not gender that defines ability, it's competence and so, we recognize the crucial role that women play in the team. 

Magna Karina Oliveira da Silva Gonzaga, socio-environmental assistant, is a shining example of this. Passionate about her work and dedicated to her mission, she inspires us all with her commitment and determination. 

Today, and every day, we need to celebrate the contribution and impact of women at VSZ and around the world. This date is an opportune occasion to pay tribute to all the extraordinary women who play a key role in building the future.  

VSZ warmly congratulates all these inspiring women, whose tireless work and exceptional dedication not only illuminate the paths they travel but also positively shape the world as a whole. 


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