Agricultural Technician Programme strengthens family farming

Agricultural Technical Support Program Strengthens Family Farming in Inter-community Exchange 

 In December 2023, Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) promoted a key initiative for the residents of Simões (PI): an inter-community exchange visit to Sítio Retiro and Povoado Curralinho. Nineteen farmers took part in the activity, exploring the 13.5 hectare agro-ecosystem located at Sítio Caldeirão, in Araripina, Pernambuco. The main focus was learning about manioc farming, a vital activity for generating family income in the region. 

On the property, the farmers were able to witness a variety of agricultural practices, including the cultivation of corn, beans, manioc, fava beans, watermelon and manioc in intercropped gardens. In addition, fruit plantations such as papaya, umbu, passion fruit and acerola, along with vegetables and medicinal plants, enriched the productive backyard. Animal husbandry, such as free-range chickens, goats, sheep and cattle, complemented the economic diversification of the property. 

 During the visit, the farmers were also shown techniques for storing animal feed, using species native to the caatinga. They explored pasture areas, where elephant grass was planted in consortium with swidden, and took part in practical activities in the field, including demonstrations on storing silage and fodder. 

Kalleb Oliveira, responsible for the exchange, highlighted the importance of the experience, especially the visit to the property of farmer Eronildo de Souza, who is renowned for his local agricultural expertise. VSZ's support has been crucial in promoting the exchange of knowledge about animal feed, cultivation techniques and income generation among farmers. 

Flávio Paiva, an environmental analyst, emphasized the importance of the strategies adopted in the program, aimed at providing a dignified life in the semi-arid region, promoting income generation and food security. 

For local farmers like Jailson Morais and José Lopes, the exchange represented a valuable learning opportunity, especially about food security and the use of caatinga resources. The initiative reinforced the importance of cooperation and sharing knowledge in building resilient and self-sufficient rural communities. 

 In the end, the participants came away with a broader understanding of sustainable agricultural practices and ready to apply the knowledge acquired in their own communities. 

 About Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex 

 Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is located in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE), and has a team of professionals committed to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices whose pillars are respect for the environment, society and business ethics. 


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