Ventos de São Zacarias advances significantly in 2023 

Wind farm surpasses 50% progress in its infrastructure works!  

Building our renewable energy project efficiently and safely are vital elements for Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) and its shareholders, who also value environmental protection and follow the highest international socio-environmental sustainability standards. 

According to the director and CEO of VSZ, Bruno Vasconcelos, “we surpassed the milestone of 50% progress of the works, scheduled to operate commercially before the end of this year!” 

When we look back at all the main milestones achieved over the past year, we believe that the results were very positive: 

  • more than 80% of the civil works at the wind complex have already been completed, 

  • the transmission line has already been delivered, 

  • the substation is practically ready, 

  • the Operation and Maintenance team is already mobilized and 

  • we already have the Transmission Line and Substation Operating Licenses! 

“All this without having any fatal accidents on the project, which had more than 3.7 million man-hours worked”, added Bruno Vasconcelos. 

 The last major achievement took place in January this year, with the assembly of VSZ's first wind turbine! According to Bruno, “in total, 80 turbines will be assembled, in addition to a substation and a transmission line of almost 50 km, completing a wind complex with the capacity to generate 456 MW of renewable energy - enough to supply 1.2 million homes!” he said. 

 About Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex   

 Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is located in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE) and has a team of professionals committed to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices whose pillars are respect for the environment, society, and business ethics. 


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