VSZ looks back on 2023 with great expectations for 2024 

Generating renewable energy in a sustainable way, with social responsibility and environmental protection are the core elements of Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ).

  According to the director and CEO of VSZ, Bruno Vasconcelos, "in total, 80 turbines will be set up to generate 456 MW of renewable energy - enough to reach 1.2 million homes!" He also emphasised that VSZ and its shareholders value environmental protection and follow the highest international standards of socio-environmental sustainability.

The project has generated more than 2,000 jobs, most of them for the local population. In addition, several indirect benefits have reached the community, mainly through stimulating local commerce.

Taking stock of the company's achievements in 2023, he and the VSZ team believe that much has been done for the community through the investments and actions of its 22 socio-environmental programmes and special projects:

Water distribution and Solidarity Christmas

  The company has carried out a number of important actions for the community, such as the partnership with Simões town hall to supply water to 43 families around the complex and the distribution of 880 basic food baskets to the population at Christmas. 

Works in Quilombo communities

  The company also built the headquarters for the Serra da Mata Grande Quilombo Remnant Community and refurbished the church of the Serra dos Rafaéis Quilombo Remnant Community, both in the municipality of Simões (PI). The spaces are the result of a partnership between VSZ and the local communities to strengthen the culture, tradition and customs of the region's inhabitants. 

Marcolândia project to support local commerce

  VSZ helped build the project in partnership with the town hall, in the food sector, with the aim of boosting the town's commerce. The development has 4,500 m² and 21 new masonry kiosks to offer the population an alternative for leisure, local cuisine and entertainment.    

Livelihood Restoration Programme:

 With the aim of bringing knowledge and strengthening the livelihoods of the residents of the communities around the complex, Ventos de São Zacarias also promoted seven actions in this direction and provided 1,377 people with courses in agroecology, beekeeping, animal feed production and tyre crafts. 

   Engagement with local schools 

  VSZ organised events to celebrate Children's Day and Christmas at three schools around the project, providing pupils with food, recreation and toys. More than 850 children took part in the celebrations organised by VSZ in 2023. 

Health Education Programme

  In this area, VSZ carried out 17 relevant and necessary initiatives for the communities in 2023 - benefiting more than 630 people in the region. The company's actions include:  

  •  Pregnancy Health Campaign 

  • Combating dengue mosquito breeding sites 

  • Campaign to Combat Violence Against Women 

  • Walking and Stretching Action 

Active and inclusive listening space

  In 2023, communities were able to be heard. More than 150 active listening sessions were held. With this aim of listening to the diverse voices of the territories in which it operates and providing quality information, the VSZ team visited more than 300 homes, carried out 31 information campaigns via WhatsApp and distributed around 1,800 information leaflets to the population.  

Environment and sustainability

  With regard to the environment, VSZ managed and rescued 3,953 animals, as well as providing 129 veterinary consultations during the works. It also produced more than 13,000 saplings of the region's native vegetation, essential for balancing the ecosystem.

Another important action was the organisation of the 1st Environment Week in schools in the municipalities of Araripina (PE), Curral Novo do Piauí, Betânia do Piauí and Simões (PI). Eight schools took part in the event, where over 300 pupils were able to learn a little about environmental education and its importance for the planet over four days.   

   About Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex  

  Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is located in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE), and has a team of professionals committed to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices whose pillars are respect for the environment, society and business ethics.


Ventos de São Zacarias advances significantly in 2023 


VSZ signs innovative cooperation agreement with Simões City Council (PI)