Christmas Solidarity Campaign

VSZ's Solidarity Christmas Campaign reinforces support for the local community with the distribution of food baskets

For every basket donated, Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) will give another, which will double the number of collections, benefiting many more people

Contributing to local communities is a priority for Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ), a renewable energy company operating in the northeast of the country. With this in mind, VSZ has prepared the Solidarity Christmas Campaign, to collect basic food baskets and distribute them among the families living around the complex. Donations have already begun and will run until December 15th. The novelty is that for every basket donated, VSZ will give another, which will double the number of collections, benefiting many more people!

The initiative is part of the company's social actions with communities and reinforces the importance of encouraging solidarity and the fraternal spirit of Christmas. For director Bruno Vasconcelos, Christmas is a very significant date and a moment of unity for actions like this. "Being able to distribute these baskets expresses the importance that the local community has for Ventos de São Zacarias and is our way of getting together and feeling close to these people!"

Donations can be made via PIX, through the key, holder Magna Karina Oliveira da S. Gonzaga, or directly at the delivery point at the address: Construction Site of the Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex, Serra do Maracujá, Simões/PI. The hampers will be distributed in the week of 18/12.

About the Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex

Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is located in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE), and has a team of professionals committed to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices whose pillars are respect for the environment, society and business ethics. 


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