Donation of water to communities

Ventos de São Zacarias donates 65,000 liters of water to the city of Simões (PI) 

The action follows the company's environmental and social policy and seeks to ensure the well-being of the local community 

To alleviate the water crisis in the municipality of Simões (PI), the Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex (VSZ) granted the town council the use of a water truck at the beginning of November, which can supply water to the urban and rural areas affected by the drought. On December 2, the new equipment transported 65,000 liters of drinking water donated to the Serra dos Rafaéis community. The aim was to supply the community cistern and surrounding homes. 

Water donation

The supply was requested by the local town hall to meet the residents' emergency needs. The measure aims to mitigate the impacts caused by the water shortage and allows families to count on an adequate supply of water for their daily needs.  

Water truck loan

430 kilometers from Teresina, Simões has experienced supply problems in various parts of the city. In order to reduce the damage caused to the community and based on the company's environmental and social policy policy, VSZ took the initiative to lend a water truck to ensure the well-being of the region's residents. 

Ventos de São Zacarias' Sustainability Coordinator, Kalleb Oliveira, stressed that the partnership with the town hall for the use of the equipment reinforces VSZ's commitment to building bridges with the local government and the community. 

According to the mayor of Simões, Zé Wlisses, the company's action "came at an opportune moment to provide support".  He thanked VSZ for its help in dealing with the crisis the territory has been experiencing. The city's Municipal Secretary for the Environment, Raimundo Leite, also praised the action and highlighted the importance of this partnership for the future of the municipality. 

About the Ventos de São Zacarias Wind Complex

Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is located in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE), and has a team of professionals committed to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principles of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices whose pillars are respect for the environment, society and business ethics. 


Christmas Solidarity Campaign


VSZ inaugurates the Marcolândia food court in Piauí (PI)