VSZ's 1st Environment Week

Students from communities in Piauí and Pernambuco take part in VSZ's 1st Environment Week

More than 300 kindergarten and elementary school students learn to take care of the environment in a playful way


Protecting the biodiversity of the territories where it operates is part of the work of Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ). That's why the company held the VSZ´s 1st Environment Week on June 5, 6, 7 and 9th in the municipalities of Araripina (PE), Curral Novo do Piauí, Betânia do Piauí and Simões (PI). The event involved eight schools, where over 300 students were able to learn about environmental education and its importance for society over four days.

Picnics, toys made from recycled materials, puppet shows, contact with animals from the caatinga and the creation of school gardens were some of the activities organized by VSZ for students from Kindergarten to Primary School. The educational institutions were able to provide their students with experiences that help them become aware of how to lead a sustainable and ecologically correct life from an early age.

For the company, events about caring for the environment aimed at children and teenagers in the community mean planting seeds in fertile ground to generate good actions in the future. The collaboration of schools in these initiatives is of fundamental importance to VSZ, as the company always seeks to contribute to these actions.

The VSZ´s 1st Environment Week was attended by the Perpétuo Socorro, Padre José Medeiros, Érico Veríssimo and Serra da Mata Grande municipal schools in Simões (PI). In Piauí, the institutions of São José, in Curral Novo, and Miguel Arcanjo, in Betânia, took part. In Araripina (PE), the José Batista Modesto and Felipe Coelho municipal schools were involved.

About Complexo Eólico Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ)

Ventos de São Zacarias (VSZ) is located in the municipalities of Simões (PI) and Araripina (PE) and has a team of professionals dedicated to the local communities and the sustainable development of the region. The company is also committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the ESG principles - Environmental, Social, and Governance. The acronym encompasses practices based on respect for the environment, society and business ethics.


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